
2006年09月26日 06:45

ゲームイメージ【Engadget Japanese】の記事によると、ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント アメリカのエグゼクティブVP兼Co-COOであるジャック・トレットン(Jack Tretton)氏はゲーム業界ニュースサイト【GameDaily BIZ】の中で、ソニーの戦略や他社との競争について語り(【Interview: SCEA's Jack Tretton】)その中で「ニンテンドーDSはPSPに負けているだけでなくほかのゲーム機にもかなわない。多くのユーザーを失っている。その一方でPSPは新しいユーザー層を開拓しており、地球規模の支持者を集めるだろう」とDSと比較する形で同社の携帯ゲーム機PSPの素晴らしさを強調した。現状認識などの点において、同氏の発言が業界内外で話題を集めている。


エグゼクティブVP兼Co-COO(Cheif Operating Officer)とは要するに「現場サイドに近い副社長」と表現すればほぼ間違いなく、経営陣においてきわめて上層部の人物である(【一覧参照】)。



(We really feel we carved out new territory [with the PS1] and then we built upon that with the PS2. The parallel that we draw to the PSP is that it is exactly the same to portable gaming to what the PlayStation was to console gaming, that we are carving this new road out and we are selling again to 20-something consumers that were not fans of portable entertainment, were not playing Game Boys because the technology and the software offerings just weren't appealing to them... And now because of the technology in PSP and the game offerings it appeals to them and that same consumer we carved out with the PlayStation is now being carved out with the PSP at an even much greater rate than we did with the original PlayStation. There's a lot of PlayStation legacy there that we've been able to capitalize on that we didn't have back in 1995, but I think it's very similar in terms of carving out a new audience and that new audience has generated $2 billion in revenue in the 17 months that the PSP has been out.)



(I think obviously our competition, the handheld devices from Nintendo and specifically in the case of the DS, we really feel like they're appealing to the same audience that Game Boy has always appealed to. And if you look at the adoption rate of the DS over the first 17 months, not only does it trail the PSP but it also trails their other platforms... They're potentially losing some of their core audience and they're not really expanding beyond that and we think we're expanding into a completely new audience as we did with PlayStation. And we'll do just what we did on PlayStation; we'll dip down to the younger consumer eventually and we'll ultimately appeal to that vastly Earth wide audience we carved out with the original PlayStation.)




ちなみにおおもとのGameDaily BIZでは【トレットン氏のインタビューのパート2】も掲載されている。こちらはインタビュアーとの質疑応答式での内容となっているが、こちらでは先日日本国内における値下げが発表されたプレイステーション3に関して大いに語っている。こちらも機会があればどこかで日本語訳化されることだろう。少々機械翻訳で目を通してみたが、概要としては今回ピックアップされたのと同じような論調、とだけコメントしておこう。

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